Cancer Center

Phone Numbers

Hematology / Oncology
(803) 794-7511
Radiation Oncology
(803) 791-2575
Women's Imaging
(803) 791-2486

Nurse Navigators

Nurse Navigators

Our Nurse Navigators

  • Experienced registered nurses who help navigate treatment.
  • Provide a gold standard of holistic care.

"Having a nurse navigator meant the world to me. I don't know that I could have done it all without her!"

— Jo Nell, Breast Cancer Patient

What will my nurse navigator do?

Your nurse navigator is your go-to person and advocate for anything to do with your diagnosis, treatment and recovery. She will help you navigate treatment at no extra cost.

How she can help:

  • Make sure you understand your diagnosis and treatment.
  • Schedule tests and appointments.
  • Come up with questions to ask your doctor and explain answers.
  • Offer emotional support.
  • Find support groups.
  • Set up counseling appointments.
  • Ease the transition into survivorship.

Meet Our Nurse Navigators

Kelly Jeffcoat BSN, OCN, CBCN

Kelly Jeffcoat

Breast Health Navigator
Kelly helps diagnosed women navigate the health care system, providing much-needed support. She has a particular empathy for her patients, because she's a breast cancer survivor herself.

"I've been given a special gift to be able to share what I experienced with other diagnosed women."

(803) 791-2521

Libby Daniels RN, OCN

Libby Daniels

General Navigator
Libby serves as a resource for cancer patients and their families and knows the fear and frustration of a cancer diagnosis—both her parents are cancers survivors.

Libby is a recipient of the Oncology Nurse-APN/PA Oncology Nurse Excellence Award.

(803) 791-2289

Alice Green BSN, OCN

Alice Green

General Navigator
Alice is dedicated to educating patients about their diagnoses and empowering them with information throughout their treatment.

Alice is a member of the Oncology Nursing Society and Riverbanks Oncology Nursing Society.

(803) 791-2617

Kerry Wise BSN, OCN

Kerry Wise

Lung Cancer Navigator
Kerry values the relationships she develops with oncology patients and their families during every step of treatment.

Kerry began her career eight years ago in the inpatient oncology unit at Lexington Medical Center.

(803) 936-8135

Kimberly Branham RN, OCN

Kimberly Branham

Breast Health Navigator
Kimberly strives to be a patient advocate, educator and support person for each patient and his or her family.

Kimberly is board certified with 12 years of oncology nursing experience.

(803) 939-8776

Lu Vaughn BSN

Lu Vaughn

Genitourinary Navigator
As nurse navigator, Lu will help eliminate barriers to timely cancer care, educate patients and their families on diagnosis and treatment options, and advocate for patients throughout their health care experience.

Lu has a 22-year multidisciplinary nursing career.

(803) 936-4190

Liz Powell RN, BSN, OCN

Liz Powell

General Navigator
As an oncology nurse navigator, Liz enjoys being a patient advocate and an extra resource for patients during a critical time in their lives.

She started working in oncology early in her nursing career and spent six years at Lexington Oncology.

(803) 739-3480

Stephanie Hemingway RN, BSN, CHPN

Stephanie Hemingway

General Navigator
Inspired by her childhood friend who had Hodgkin's disease, Stephanie has more than 20 years of experience in acute care case management and palliative care.

She serves as an advocate, resource and source of support for patients and their families during their cancer journey.

(803) 936-8050