Phone Numbers

Lexington Medical Center Foundation
(803) 791-2540

Planned Giving

Learn how a gift to the LMC Foundation can fit into your financial goals and charitable vision.

Ways to Give

Planned Giving through Estate Plans & Trusts

Ensure your legacy of generosity and caring for your community continues through a gift to the Lexington Medical Center Foundation.

Impacting the Community

Donations are carefully aligned with essential programs for large-scale, transformational impact. Your giving offers dignity and wellbeing for friends and neighbors, right here in our community.

Supporting Your Family and the Foundation–Now and In the Future

Some gift options are tax-advantaged, which can benefit your loved ones and causes important to you with ongoing support.

Meet Our Gift Officers

We're here to help! Reach out any time for questions and support.

Our First Philanthropists: Lilian and Harvey Hulon

Today, the intersection of Interstate 26 and Highway 378 boasts the sprawling campus of Lexington Medical Center. But before any buildings ever existed, the land belonged to a West Columbia woman named Lillian Hulon. Her kindness and generosity helped the dream of a hospital for Lexington County become a reality.

The Hulon Society commemorates Harvey and Lillian Hulon who made the first planned gift to Lexington County Health Services District on August 10, 1966. They donated 22 acres, doing so with two simple conditions: first, the land had to be used for a hospital; second, she and her husband, Harvey Hulon, could live out their lives in the care of the hospital. The Hulons, who had no children, knew they would have a place that would take care of them in their retirement.

With this legacy, the Hulons demonstrated the power of philanthropists to change the course of history and to touch countless lives through their foresight. What a profound difference their gift has made for the betterment of this community.