Women's Services

Phone Numbers

Mammogram Appointments
(803) 791-2486
Pelvic Pain & Incontinence
(803) 791-2397
Pre-Register for Childbirth
(803) 791-2560
Tour the Birth Center
(803) 791-2229
Request a Doula
(803) 791-2631
New Parent Help Line
(803) 791-2525

Natural Childbirth

Support for Your Ideal Birth Process

Call for information about our natural birth options.

(803) 791-2229

"We had an all-natural birth and it was extraordinary. My nurse was three steps ahead of everything I needed."

— Kelly, Birth Center Patient

Natural Delivery with the Security of a Hospital Setting

We are respectful and encouraging of mothers and families who wish to have as natural a birth process as possible.

Our Staff and Your Delivery

The decision to have a birth with minimal medical intervention is a personal choice. Our staff will support you, your wishes and intentions at every step.

Refusing Medication and Medical Intervention

It's your option to refuse any intervention unless it's medically necessary for either your health or your baby's.

Natural Birth Tools & Services

We provide everything you need for a successful natural delivery, including birthing stools, balls and bars.


You can ask for support from one of our birth coaches, or doulas, during and after labor.

How to Prepare for a Successful Natural Birth

Discuss Your Plans with Your Health Care Provider

Tell your doctor or health care provider you intend to have a natural childbirth well in advance of delivery.

Educate Yourself

Learn all you can about the labor and delivery process.

Create a Birth Plan

Outline your wishes and intentions during and after delivery.

Request Doula Services

A doula can ensure your wishes and birth plan are fully supported during delivery.

Tell On-Duty Staff When You Arrive

Communicate your plans for a natural birth with the staff on duty when you arrive for delivery.