Cancer Center

Phone Numbers

Hematology / Oncology
(803) 794-7511
Radiation Oncology
(803) 791-2575
Women's Imaging
(803) 791-2486

Prostate Cancer Screening

Our Screening

  • External MR exam makes testing more comfortable.
  • Easier-to-read imaging technology removes the need for invasive tests.
  • Latest imaging techniques increase study accuracy.

What should I know about screenings?

Prostate cancer usually grows slowly or not at all. Your screening will help you keep an eye on any abnormalities and make a decision regarding further tests or treatment.

Do I need to be tested?

Yes if:

  • You're a man who is 50 or older.
  • You have a family history of prostate cancer.

How often should I be tested?

Your doctor will determine the amount of protein your prostate gland produces, called a PSA level, and that number will determine how often you need to come in for a screening.

What happens if you find something?

You may get a false positive, depending on your body chemistry and medications. Your doctor might repeat the test or recommend a biopsy.

Because most prostate cancer grows at a slow pace, your doctor will discuss the risks and benefits of treatment for your particular case.

What will happen during the screening?

A blood test will determine your PSA level, which is the amount of protein your prostate gland produces. A high PSA can be an early sign of prostate cancer.

You may also receive a rectal exam, an internal test where your doctor feels for abnormalities.

Advanced Early Detection

Our advanced tests can accurately tell whether prostate cancer is growing.

External Prostate Scans
Traditional scans require an imaging coil inside the body, but our new MRI scan is all external, making the procedure much more comfortable for patients.

Safer Exam for Spread of Cancer
Our upgraded SPECT/CT ProtaScint® scan eliminates guesswork and is safer for patients because it removes the need to inject a radioactive substance into their veins.